Sweet Dreams flower essences

Sweet Dreams - Blended flower essence

For children and adults alike, to soften nightmares, dispel fears and can help restore healthy sleep patterns (Stock Strength).

Contains: Primrose, Ramson and Cow Parsley.

15ml. £9.25 Add to cart


Benefit – To help us feel that we are safe, nurtured and secure in the world we live in.

Modern life can make us feel disconnected from the natural world. Emotions such as confusion worry and anxiety can bring disruption to physical and emotional health and relationships. Feeling disconnected from the Earth can create feelings of instability and exclusion. Primrose can help you see that we are a part of a bigger picture that all creation is made with love, so we are made with love.

Chakras – 1st and 3rd

Mineral - Celestite


Benefits – To help us feel protected while we discover what it is that fear is trying to shield us from.

Fear is so misunderstood in our lives. It can literally freeze us into inaction and can create less fluid movement within our energy body. Fear can make us feel vulnerable, unprotected or weak. But fear can save our lives. Ramson fortifies and clears our energy body and can help create a bridge of understanding so we can work more closely with and understand fear.

Chakras – 4th, 7th and 9th

Mineral - Celestite

Cow Parsley

Benefits - To rest our over active nervous systems and bring stability to our lives.

An over-active mind can create a spiral of negative thoughts and feelings. During sleep, which should be a time of healing for our physical selves, our mental confusion can get the better of us. Peace of mind is imperative for its calming influence on our bodies. Cow Parsley reminds us of the innocence of summer and of being in sweet meadows of wild flowers.

Chakras – 2nd, 4th and 7th

Minerals - Bluelace Agate and Clear Quartz

15ml. £9.25 Add to cart